Friday Favs

I love seeing products & items that other moms love/use in their everyday lives. I figured it’s my turn to share the love. So here it is… *drum roll* Friday Favs!!

I will be introducing a few things each Friday that I am currently crushin’ on. This is not a sponsored post. It’s just an honest to goodness, heart to heart about the amazing things I have discovered, and I hope it’s a help to you.

1. Jamberry Nails


Ok, so I’ll be the first to admit, that I was pretty skeptical. I had quite a few people contact me about trying them, but it wasn’t till I saw just how much one of my friends was seriously in love with them, that I finally gave them a try.

Let me tell ya! I put them on the week before we moved. By the time we got done moving, the skin on my hands were dry from handling the boxes and cleaning, but my nails still looked amazing.

I have the worst time with nail polish chipping, mostly because of the constant use of my fingers for creating shop product. I kept looking at my fingers, wondering if the Jamberrys would stay on, but they stayed on a solid week and a half before one of then came off, and that was with all the intense, moving craziness!

Jaime is an amazing consultant to work with! She’s so sweet and you will love her online Jamberry Shop.

2. Cheerful Workspaces


I love scrolling through Pinterest and seeing all the ingenious decor ideas that people have! I was on a shoe string budget, so I had to get creative with what I had.

The desk was on clearance at target for $25. I love it because, I can fold it up and move it myself. It’s light weight, yet very sturdy. I made the paper circles, with the quotes and verses in the middle, out of scrap book paper. Then I used washi tape to hang pictures on the wall.

Different people are inspired by different things. If I were to work at Scott’s desk, I would get very little accomplished, but it works perfectly for him. If he were to work at my desk, all of the girly colors would probably give him a headache. LOL

3. Homemade Cupcakes


This one seriously needs no explanation… ‘Cause homemade cupcakes are just where it’s at. Lucky for me, the hub’s birthday was this week so I had an excuse to stray from my healthy eating. 🙂

What are you lovin’ this week? Please share it in the comments. You can also tag me @TokyoBlossom on Instagram or Twitter and use #fridayfavs. Have an awesome weekend, and I will be back on Monday!